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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > How does printed circuit board affect our life?    

How does printed circuit board affect our life?

Hits:1  Add Date:2022/9/21

Printed circuit board is an important electronic component.Almost every kind of electronic products need circuit boards. Electronic items,such as chargers, monitors, Bluetooth headsets and air conditioners, which areclosely related to our lives, all need to use circuit boards. Before thetechnology of printed circuit board was widely used, people made circuit boardsmainly by manual operation. The connection between electronic parts is mainlyfixed by willow nails. Not only can not guarantee the stability and security,but also waste human resources. Through the unremitting efforts of scientists,the technology of printed circuit board has gradually matured. Now, as the mainpart of electronic industry, printed circuit board has occupied an absoluteposition.


Printed circuit board is a very complex processing technology.Therefore, in the production process, a lot of industrial wastes with excessivemetal content, such as waste water and scrap metal, will be produced. Ourcountry attaches great importance to the environmental protection work ofprinted circuit board production industry, and recycles the wastewatercontaining metals produced in the printing process. In order to avoidenvironmental pollution caused by industrial waste, scientists study to extractthe metal content in wastewater, reduce industrial waste, and make it meet thenational discharge standards. current


It’s believe that in the near future, printed circuit boardswill not only bring convenience to our life, but also be beneficial to theenvironment.

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